Friday, February 28, 2020

Attendance at a local seminar (report) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Attendance at a local seminar (report) - Essay Example â€Å"Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a successful project,† (Lonergan, K) Walters explained, stressing on the dire need of project managers in the industry. Walters further informed the students about different factors which influence the success of a project. They were Project team, sponsor, customer, programme manager, operations and the sellers. He mentioned that there were three crucial points related to project management also known as â€Å"triple constraint.† They are known as time, cost and scope. Walter mentioned the Work-Braeakdown-Structure where he described the project management tools, including, common sense, eyes, ears and all the other senses. He clearly noted that â€Å"trust but verify.† Dear Client, I have written what all I could understand from the pdf’s. If you think I am missing on some points do let me know. Apart from that, if you think I can pick up matter from the internet, I would do that. Let me

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Analyze formation of Canada's trade policy or environmental policies Essay

Analyze formation of Canada's trade policy or environmental policies with respect to domestic political and economic forces. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages - Essay Example The main advantage of environment regulation through command-and-control intervention is political support despite its inefficient features. It has high symbolic value for public that identifies prohibition with higher efficiency than taxing pollution discharge. It favors existing industries with political leverage and acts a barrier for new firms. Most importantly it identifies it as cost effective measures that would not pose charges directly to the public. It gives discretionary powers to the bureaucracy which is politically motivated. The exemptions from strict laws are used as tools for negotiation for political gains. The major disadvantage of the command-and-control measure is that it promotes inequality and inefficiency in the garb of perceived costs. It is also a short term policy that deters new firms to be innovative in effluent discharge. From the economists’ perspectives, effluent charges would remove disparity and would act as discouragement for high discharge of pollutants by industries at large. Its results could only be seen on long term basis, hence, it is not favored by political forces. (words: